Here’s What To Be Expecting When Newborn Kittens Are Expected

cats term of pregnancy from conceiving to the time kittens are born runs between sixty to sixty four days total.

Initially, you may not even notice that your precious cat is pregnant . It’s pretty much standard with pregnancy in animals of all kinds that it doesn’t become
noticeable for a little while.

Approximately mid-way into the pregnancy it will become quite noticeable that your feline is, indeed, pregnant.

Mid-way through the pregnancy, the cats’ belly starts to grow and often cat owners think that it is overeating and becoming fat.

Upon noticing the cat’s belly becoming bigger, it won’t be long and it’s nipples will also enlarge and
become more obvious too, which will give certain clarity that it is pregnant.

Numerous concerns arise regarding the coming stages of the cat’s pregnancy as well as precisely everything that should be done to get ready for the birthing of new kitties and keeping the mother’s health good.

About two weeks before birthing, sometimes the unborn kittens move around in such a way that one can see their outline and gently stroking the mother’s belly it often is possible to feel them too.

Preparing a location for birth should be taken care of now. Cats prefer a quiet area away from everything and which is dark. Closets can be ideal as they are dark and the door can be open enough to allow the momma cat to enter and exit at will.

Even though an ideal area has been readied, it still isn’t a sure bet that the pregnant feline will actually go along with it. Cats have a mind of their own.  Let them be free to settle into any place they may so choose to give birth and do your best to make it safe and secure for the mother and her newborn kittens .  Pregnant cats will seek out the ideal location to give birth up to a couple weeks ahead of birthing the kittens.  It should be noted that although a place may be readied by the cat caretaker or the cat herself, this doesn’t mean the place will be used, expect the unexpected because she may suddenly give birth anywhere else, whether it’s the living room, garage, bathroom or under a bed but just let her be. In case the kittens are born in a less than ideal location, not to worry, the mother cat will generally pick them up and move them to the place she had in mind for them to be and one should not get in the way of letting her do so.

Within 24 hours of birth, the mother cat will most often begin to lick constantly at the genital area .  Thirty minutes or more before the actual birth, the water will break which looks like some kind of thick fluid being sprayed from the mother cat.

The number of kittens that the mother will have is another matter that people often inquire about. Generally one can expect a pregnant cat to have one to four kittens or more. Visiting the vet may provide the answer to this question.

Once the babies are born, they will be blind and deaf. Within a couple of weeks, the eyes will open and the kittens will begin to hear. All kittens are born with blue eyes and within a short time the eye color often changes to the familiar green we see in cats

It’s OK to touch the newborn kittens as long as the mother allows it and doesn’t get upset. If she doesn’t like anyone touching them then they should be left only to the mother’s attention.

A kitten should be kept with the mother until it reaches 8-10 weeks old. In fact, it will be 2-3 weeks before the babies start becoming very active and after that those little kitties will be running around in a playful manner everyone enjoys seeing.

That’s what to be expecting when you have a pregnant cat. Visit the vet for immunizations as needed for new kittens in order to keep them in good health.

Frequently young cats get ear mites. Be sure to observe the ears and provide medication to eradicate the trouble Be natural with Dr Dogs Ear Oil, safely and effectively relieves symptoms for all felines. Ear mites in kittens are common and require some kind of safe cat ear medication to get rid of them.

cat ear mites